According to the provisions of item 2and 3 of the Noticement of Correcting the Declared Value and Publicly Announced Current Value, the Special Municipal Government or the County/City government should investigate and correct the public announcement if the Declared Value and Publicly Announced Current Value apply to on of the following conditions A and D. The government should also bring the case to the Committee on Land Values for reconsideration and amendment if the situation applies to the following condition E and G.
- Copy mistake of lapses of land value number
- Land value calculation mistake.
- Cento mistake of lapses of land numbers inside value section.
- After the demarcation of value section according to the urban planning blueprint, detecting cento mistakes or lapses of land number inside the value section.
- Mis-demarcation of value section.
- Section value calculation mistake.
- Price alteration according to the provisions of Article 22 of Land Expropriation Act, or the results of the administrative remedy, depending on the compensation price of the Declared Value.