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  • Unit:Land Value Division
  • Tel:886-2-2960-3456 Ext.3299~3308、3362~3369、3342、3353、3355、3357、3359

According to the provisions of item 2and 3 of the Noticement of Correcting the Declared Value and Publicly Announced Current Value, the Special Municipal Government or the County/City government should investigate and correct the public announcement if the Declared Value and Publicly Announced Current Value apply to on of the following conditions A and D. The government should also bring the case to the Committee on Land Values for reconsideration and amendment if the situation applies to the following condition E and G.

  1. Copy mistake of lapses of land value number
  2. Land value calculation mistake.
  3. Cento mistake of lapses of land numbers inside value section.
  4. After the demarcation of value section according to the urban planning blueprint, detecting cento mistakes or lapses of land number inside the value section.
  5. Mis-demarcation of value section.
  6. Section value calculation mistake.
  7. Price alteration according to the provisions of Article 22 of Land Expropriation Act, or the results of the administrative remedy, depending on the compensation price of the Declared Value.