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  • Unit:Land Value Division
  • Tel:886-2-2960-3456 Ext.3299~3308、3362~3369、3342、3353、3355、3357、3359

The Special Municipal Government or the County/ City government shall organize land value and the Committee on Standard Land Values according to the organization of the Land Value Committee. The committee is responsible for evaluation land value and standard value, etc.
The Land and Standard Land Value Evaluation Committee is responsible for the commenting of the following items:

  1. Demarcate land value sections and valuate section values.
  2. The agricultural improvements prices.
  3. The land value after and before the readjustment of the urban land and zone expropriation the block is imposed.
  4. Review the compensation lf land value for expropriation according to the law.
  5. Objection of the standard land value according to the law.
  6. Compensation for expropriation and for the percentage of increasing.
  7. Other items concerning the evaluation of land value and standard land value.