Urban land consolidation is a kind of overall urban development method to re-plan and re-arrange the land in urban area completely, to handle switching and merging into land with neat shape according to original land related location and re-distribute to land owners. Public facilities land and engineering construction cost in the consolidation area are shared by the land owners together. It can effectively promote the economic use of land and is one of the most effective means to perfect urban development. Additionally, the government can also get free land for public facilities, so that making the city have a more robust and faster pace for overall development.
Based on above concepts, the bureau complies with long-term development blueprint of New Taipei City, and handles consolidation business in local city actively. After consolidation is completed, land use efficiency is improved, internal plan is perfected. Then it brings proliferation of investment spreading benefits successively and provides win-win-win situation to the land owners, economy of the city and national economy.
In addition to recently completed urban land consolidation and development project of New City Center of Xinzhuang, it has created a shining new city center for New Banqiao station special area. Currently, it is promoting urban land consolidation and development project of vicinity on both sides of Sanchong and Erchong Floodways and land delayed development area actively to create a new vision for the development of New Taipei City.
Currently handling urban land consolidation projects:
- Public urban land consolidation
Introduction of Shining Fiver-star plan of New Taipei City
Private urban land consolidation handling condition of Xintai Wenzaizhen urban land consolidation area
Urban land consolidation and development project of vicinity on both sides of Sanchong and Erchong Floodways
Urban land consolidation and development project of Tucheng delayed development area
- Private urban land consolidation
Private urban consolidation area of New Taipei City Yongcui Lvneng Special area (Development units A and B districts)
Private urban consolidation area of New Taipei City Yongcui Lvneng Special area (unit C)
Private urban consolidation area of New Taipei City Yongcui Lvneng Special area (units D E)
Private urban consolidation area of New Taipei City Yongcui Lvneng Special area (Development units F G)
Private urban consolidation area of Xintai Wenzaizhen area-Xintai (Ⅱ-1)
Private urban consolidation area of Xintai Wenzaizhen area-Gangtai (Ⅱ-6)
Section chief's special line:886-2-22726591