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  • Unit:Land Data Division
  • Tel:886-2-2960-3456 Ext.3271~3278、3281~3290

Land Data Division
New Taipei City has actively participated in the trend of global informationization and cyberization. It leads the country in promoting all kinds of land administrative informationization. Innovation comes with working wholeheartedly, we aim at future progress towards the digital land administration office, provide services that no longer limited by time and space. Our motive is to make the land administration guidance of the e-sentry and in the same time advance the convenience of the people.

  1. Programming, promoting and implementing the land administrative informationization of our city and concerned business
  2. Auditing the information work plan of land offices
  3. Supervision and examination of land administrative information operation of the land offices
  4. Educational training of services and land administrative information
  5. Other services

Programming, Promoting and Implementing the Land Administrative Informationization of Our City
Our bureau is actively promoting the computerization of land administration, in order to advance the administrative efficiency and enhance services for the people. It provides the first, small yet capable land administration work station in the whole country,, court entrust limited registration online operation, hypothec logout online service, land record data double net inquiry and online application for digital copy. At the same time, convenient land administrative online services, simple online application and registration of cases, PDA action service and trans-offices case registration are all available services. Science and technology is making people's life more and more convenient.

Supervision and Examination of Land Administrative Information Operation of the Land Offices
In order to provide more convenient services and better life quality for the county people, we implement multidimensional services in all local land offices, expressing our attempt to progress everyday by complete and continuous supervision works.


Division chief's special line:886-2-29602049