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Plan Origin
“Modified Xindian Urban Plan (Cooperated with Taipei County Construction Plan of Huanhe Expressway, Duhui District, Taipei) Project) was implemented on June 17, 1999. Coping with land acquisition of Huanhe Expressway, Duhui District, Taipei, it is going to change agricultural area on both sides of Xindian River and near Shisizhang into road, residential area and other public facilities land, and adopt expropriation method to handle development.

Plan Content
I. Plan Scope: It takes Zhongyang Road of Xindian as boundary in the east, Huanhe Expressway as boundary in the west, New Zhongyang Village of Xindian as boundary in the south and Shisizhang Agricultural area as boundary in the north.
II. Plan area: 39.7965 ha
III. Development period:  Pre-development operation was started in 2013. It is predicted to announce expropriation on the first half year of 2014, and finish development in 2016.

Urban Plan
I. “Modified Xindian Urban Plan (Cooperated with Taipei County Construction Plan of Huanhe Expressway, Duhui District, Taipei) Project) was implemented on June 17, 1999.
II. “Detailed Plan of Planned Vicinity in North of New Zhongyang Village, Xindian (Cooperated with Taipei County Construction Plan of Huanhe Expressway, Duhui District, Taipei)” project was published and implemented on October 2012.
III. Detailed plan of the project was exhibited publicly from November 29, 2004 to December 29, 2004 for 30 days. On December 7, 2004, public explanation session was held by Xindian City before re-constructing. Currently, the plan was passed and approved by the 22nd City Committer on July 26, 2012, and meeting records were confirmed by the 23rd City Committer on August 22, 2012 to maintain handling development in section expropriation method.

Land Use Partition


Land Use Partition
Area (Ha)
Percentage (%)
Residential Area
Public Facilities Land
Neighborhood park and children’s  playground land
Park land
Square land
School (Elementary School) Land
Pedestrian trails land
Road Land


Land Use Strength


Land Use Strength
Site Coverage
Plot Ratio
Residential Area
50 ﹪
240 ﹪
School (Elementary School) Land
50 ﹪
150 ﹪
Park land, neighborhood park and children’s  playground land
15 ﹪
30 ﹪


Public facilities land in the planned area shall be used as multi-targets according to Urban Plan Public Facilities Multi-target Use Measures.
Family Liu Temple, Liu Li Kee Gongcuo, Sixin Ancestral Temple and Sixin Monument are relocated to park land for reservation and cooperated with the park for overall landscape plan and design. Additionally, they are for public using. The building coverage and plot ratio shall be checked and calculated according to actual setting area.

Mini Building Site Scale of Various Kinds of Land Use Partition