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The origin of development
In order to keep up with the incredible speed of city development, government indicates this area as a special zone for city development providing completed public facilities and improves living environment quality.

Development acreage:About 26.8123 hectares

Development period:April.1996~April.2000

Public Facilities acreage:About 13.3234 hectares

Benefit of Development

  1. Our zone is connected to Xinzhuang, C.K.S International Airport MRT line, Special 2 road, National Highway No.2 and National Highway No.1, so the transport system is very convenient.
  2. Completed public facilities and buildable place, raise the value of the land and accelerated city’s development.

  Our Department will insist on execute the reform of the administration, provide better quality service for residents, enhance the community and solve cases effectively. Our bureau director will have an appointment with you. If anybody has questions, suggestions and prosecutions, please email us to make an appointment. The email address is, our phone number is 0229603456 and redirect to 3285. When we receive your request,it will be processed in 5 days to reply you with time and place of your appointment.

Land Readjustment Division TEL:886-2-2960-3456 Ext. 3486~3490