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  • Unit:Zone Expropriation Division

The origin of the project
  The residence in the northern side of Xiulang Bridge in Zhonghe(the main area of this project) is located at the left bank of Xindian Creek. At first, it was planned to be changed from the land for drains to the land for residence and roads because of Taipei county peripheral expressway construction along the riverside on July, 8th, 1999. It would be developed with the western side of the residence in Huazhong Bridge by transreginal zone expropriation.We planned the whole project plan in details according to the regulations on July, 9th, 1999. However, we had finished collecting lands by general expropriation due to the urgent of Taipei county peripheral expressway construction along the riverside so we had revised the business and financial budget to develop the land by zone expropriation on July, 25th, 2005 and then adjusted minor parts of the project on July, 29th, 2005, but “ …the construction and development near the area of the river should be obeyed by terms No.82、83 and 83-1 in Water Law before Water Resources Department of Ministry of Economic Affairs lifts the controlled area.” 
    The regulation of river and scope of land in the project had been announced by Water Resources Department on September, 25th , 2019, nevertheless, Water Resources Department adjusted the cordon line of the river to divide the safe controlled area on May, 27th, 2020. We considered the current situation, the land of fire system and attentance route of fire engines, and the need of traffic in the target developing area to change the details in the project. We declared to extend a planned ten-centermeter-roads on the eastern side of the developing area based on the regulation of New Taipei City Urban Planning Division on April, 29th, 2014. We also adjusted and merged the terms of controlled division of using land to prevent repetition and competition, and made a public exhibition on June, 15th, 2020.In the same year, it was declared on December, 3rd. Later on, we start to handle the zone expropriation.

The area of zone exproration:
The square of zone exproration is about 4.255 hectare, including four sides below:
East:extending to New Taipei Huanhe Expressway
West:extending to Ally 97 on Chenggong Road and Section 4 on Huanhe E. Road.
South:the beginning of Xiulang Bridge           
North:extending to Section 4 on Huanhe E. Road and the beginning of New Taipei Huanhe Expressway.
The arrangement use land of Urban 

The arrangement use land of Urban

Planning Division 

Planning Division

The pic of the arrangement use land of Urban Planning Division

The table of the arrangement use land of Urban Planning Division
Item Square(hectare) Percentage Note
Use land arrangement Residence 2.0822 48.94%  
Temples 0.0552 1.30% --
Sum 2.1374 50.23% --
Public facilities Land of squares and parking lots 0.1751 4.12% --
Land of parks and playgroungs 0.9008 21.17%  
Land of parks, playgrounds and roads 0.061 1.43%  
Land of green spaces 0.0122 0.29% --
Land of green spaces and roads 0.0182 0.43%  
 Land of fire systems 0.0892 2.10%  
Land of pedestrains 0.0068 0.16%  
Land of roads 0.8543 20.08% --
Sum 2.1176 49.77% --
Total(1) 4.2550 100.00%  


The table of Building Coverage Ratio Rate of land using

Division         Concealment Rate(%

Floor Space Index
Floor Area Ratio

Residence According to the details of the regulation 200
Temples 50 160

Benefit of Development 
1. Advantages of Development
The land for Public Facilities of expropriation without compensation is 2.1176 hectare and saves the funds of government for 2 billion 32 million dollars. 
It offers the citizens have priority to claim 1.08 hectare in the residence and the government can obtain land used for construction of 0.99 hectare 
2. For the landowners in this area
 (A) Increasing the value of land  
Landowners claim the land of readjustment which is less than the original square, but its usage available increases and reflects the result of the whole development and they could gain much more value of land than it used to be. 
(B) Decreasing land tax
The owners no matter claim checks or apply land for compensation all can be land appreciation tax free; those apply for compensation also can decrease 40% of land appreciation tax at their first time transferring ownership and the owners also can have discount of 50% land tax for two years after zone expropriation completed.  
(C) Raising the qualitiy of living enviornment
After completion of zone expropriation, every public faciliy is good to use, and the residence is designed for  a flexible and perfect shape for living. The quality of living is raised, and residents can have a perfect space to enjoy their life. 
3. For the whole society
(A) Speeding up the public construction
The government can obtain land for public facilities and excute the construction to speed up public construction effectively via zone expropration.
 (B) Promoting the development of target area 
 It can promote the development and usage of land to bring up economic growth and average the development of area through zone expropration.
(C) Saving the finacial expense from the government
The government can gain the land for Public Facilities of Expropriation without compensation to save numerous expense of purchasing land and construction and reduce the finacial burden of our government effectively. 
(D) Conforming to the equal policy of bonus of raising price to the society 
 The landowners of agricultural area 、reserve area or none-construction land register their land to be residence、commercial district or other land used for construction via Urban Planning Division to increase the value of land, but the credits belong to every owner who gets involve in zone expropriation. For this reason, it is said that every owner can obtain bonus of compensation after zone expropriation completed according to the regulation and it conforms to the equal and fair policy.
(E) Managing the cadastral comprehensively 
 We classificate the cadastral comprehensively after zone expropriation to eliminate fractional amount of land and reduce the disputation of the boundary of land. 

The schedule of progress 

schedule progress
2019.10.24 Announce the main project
2020.12.03 Announce the terms in details
2022.03.30 Declaim the notice of zone expropriation for 30 days
2023.01.10 The day of groundbreaking ceremony